Sunday, July 31, 2011

The Journey 2008: Day 14

Day 14 begins in Tulsa, OK at Boston Avenue Methodist Church where we found some beautiful mosaics.

It is crazy how all those little pieces make up one big piece of art.

Next we head off to Oral Roberts University and check out the praying hands statue. They are about 60 feet tall to give you an idea of how large they really are.

Oral Roberts Prayer Tower.

Now back on Route 66.

And to Russ' Ribs, which encourages people to write on the walls as you can see.

Of course we had to take a picture with the joints mascot the pig on the pot.

Great food. Funny thing when we asked what was good to order there, they told us about this cut of beef that you could not get anywhere else in the area called 'tri-tip'. They asked if we had ever heard of it, and of course being from Santa Maria, CA we have had our fair share of tri-tip.

While sitting down and eating we talked to the owner and found out that his daughter lives in Santa Maria. When he was out visiting one time he had tri-tip and liked it so much he had to bring it back to serve in his barbeque place, and so the delicousness of tri-tip travels to Bristow, OK.

Checking out the Arcadia Round Barn along Route 66 in Arcadia, OK

Looking at the roof structure of the round barn. Interesting how they built it up.

Now onto Oklahoma City and to the State Capitol of OK.

Next we stopped by the Oklahoma City National Memorial.

It is an intense place to visit, but we are glad we went.

The grounds are a beautiful memorial to the people who died.

This is Morgan's favorite tree; the Survivor Tree.

All along the fence surrounding the memorial people have hung all sorts of different things.

We stopped for dinner in El Reno, OK at Johnnie's Grill. More good food. Morgan loved her coleslaw chili dog.

While eating we were keeping our eye on the weather, trying to figure out whether to wait for the storm heading our way to pass, and then start driving, or just get out on the road, drive and see what happens.

Of course we headed out, besides the radar for the storm looked like a long way off on the television, and it also did not look very wide. Oh the fun of listening to the radio for tornado warnings as we drove and making sure we were not at the mile markers they were talking about. Just when we thought we were almost out of the storm, I could see the light of the sun on the other side of the clouds, it started to pour and by pour I mean hydroplaining at 25 mph because there is so much water falling from the sky it does not have enough time to go anywhere. It seemed that the reason I was able to see the light from the sun coming on the other side of the clouds was because entire clouds were just falling from the sky on us. Needless to say we took the next exit, we pulled into a Walgreens and ran inside. The power was out, but they were nice enough to let us hang out until the storm passed. Morgan had to go to the bathroom, and by the time she was out the storm had passed, the sun was shinning and we headed back out on the road. Easy enough right? Oh the memories of the fun adventure.

We end our day past the crazy stormy weather and heading into our last new state, Texas.

There is day 14. We added Texas to bring the state total for the trip to 19.

Tomorrow more Texas, Route 66, and back into New Mexico.


Brittany Mae said...

Now I want bbq. And to go on a great roadtrip! I'm happy you are posting on this blog again :)

Susan said...

I agree. I want to go on a roadtrip, too.

Anonymous said...

1. I'm pretty sure we almost died in that storm. It was IN-SANE. I've never seen rain fall like that, and I remember hearing that there were tornados only a few miles from where we were on the freeway, but we had no idea since the tornado warnings were all according to counties. Like we had any idea what county we were in! Grace of God we survived!
2. Oklahoma Memorial was my favorite 'thing' we did on the trip. That was the coolest museum/tribute. They did an outstanding job. I think we spent 3 hours in there and had to go because they were closing.
3. I love food.